Saturday, April 03, 2010

TIMEless influence

Rated Shah Rukh Khan 100 @time

A guy comes to the city of dreams with only Rupees Fifteen Thousand and becomes 'King Khan'.

He never count his countless successes, but only hates failures, so much, that he doesn't shy away from confessing on twitter, that he went & voted for himself on the Time poll 2010 for the most influential people in the world, though he can't influence his kids to sleep.

I felt, it's reason enough to vote for him, and rate him amongst the most influential people in the world. So I did.

It is not the person but the way he thinks, that makes us think, the way we do.

Indeed, he is the epitome of conviction, honesty and hard work.

'Making Positives out of Negatives', always.

Needless to say, a TIMEless influence on the way I think.

1 comment:

Mblogger said...

I agree with each and every word you have written about SRK. I am a huge fan myself, and jotted down my thoughts on him at my blog:

I thought it won't be completely irrelevant to share it with a fellow admirer of SRK.

I stumbled upon your photographs via a Facebook link, and I am just spellbound. You just turned my negative into positive...I am stuck at home today watching my kid, who is suffering from some kind of throat infection. Looking at your portfolio made my day!